Application Form for the Position of AWT/Mini AWT/AWH

Anganwadi Center Details
Post applying for:  
Select District Select Project
Select Name of the Anganwadi center applying for
Applicant Details
Applicant Name Father Name
Husband Name AAdhar Number
Mobile Number Address
Village/Ward Residence Certificate
(File size should be less than 100KB)

Particulars of Caste / Reservation
Caste/Reservation (NOTE: Wherever OH vacancies available, PH,VH & HH candidates are also eligible to apply. Whether Minority
Caste Certificate
(File size should be less than 100KB)

Particulars of SSC
Year of Passing  Type of Result
(Open SSC/GPA is for individuals who are passed from open school)
If Marks If GPA
Date of Birth(AS per 10th Memo)Note:(Minimum Age 21 years & Maximum 35years (Minimum age for SC/ST candidates is 18 Years and eligible only if 21 years aged candidates are not availabe or applied))
(Date should be selected from Calander only)
10th Certificate
(File size should be less than 100KB)

Other Educational Qualification
Qualification Year Of Passing
Certificate of Highest Qualificatio
(File size should be less than 100KB)
Other Particulars
Whether Applicant is Widow? If Widow?
(File size should be less than 100KB)

If applicant is an orphan (before marriage) and who was an inmate of any govt. recognized institutions. If Orphan
(File size should be less than 100KB)

Differently abled If Differently abled
(File size should be less than 100KB)